A teen film is a movie aimed at teenagers. targeted at 16+.
they are made to relate with teenagers and also if adults watch it they feel nostalgic and reminisce about their past.
Themes and topics
common themes are; love, sex, family and school.
it was during the 1950s that teenage films came about and one of the first was "rebel without a cause" it included the start James Dean who inspired teenagers to be rebellious and act against the traditional expectation that adults had of them. the key themes in it was thrill, family conflict, alcohol,parting and love.
grease came outing in 1978 and showed some new themes like; musicals, cars, proms, drive in cinemas. this was fresh as the music from the film was put on cds showing synergy.
love and basketball is a good example of ethnicity being shown. it also gender stereotype. as the main actress is giving a hard time for wanting to participate in sports.
teen films also have sub genres such as love, psychological, high school, fantasy, coming of age, action, comedy(explicit and exaggerated)

these sub genres are usually exaggerated and explicit as they appeal to the teenage audience. a teenager may laugh at some jokes from films while an adult may not find it disturbing and not funny.
some of the main types of characters in a film revolved around school would be the: the nerd, a group of girls who are mainly blond and the bulling type and the good looking character who is a boy mainly in the football team
in British films the characters may in some cases be quite stereotypical. for example looking at 'Attack the Block' the main characters are young boys who behave in a anti-social way. the boy who causes trouble is black and all the younger children are poorly influenced by the teenagers. there is also an explicit use of drugs and violence.
some of the key settings you can notice in teen films are bedrooms, schools, local areas, school playground or canteens or the neighborhood.
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