Friday, 14 March 2014

My experience


Now filming and editing has come to a close it's safe to say that the opening of the film - Chasing Shadows is complete ! It's been a rocky road, there has been a lot of ups and downs but overall I enjoyed filming Chasing Shadows and I am very happy with the end product - I can't wait until we go to the cinemas where our film will be screened.

I enjoyed filming chasing shadows as we had a laugh on set, sometimes I flopped my lines or missed my cue this was annoying yet very hilarious. I also enjoyed editing chasing shadows, it was amazing to see how much a variety of shots made an impact in a scene. Furthermore, I enjoyed choosing and importing music into the film as it created atmosphere for eg; at the beginning of the film there is spooky music and this creates and scary atmosphere so the audience are aware that  our film is a horror movie. I also placed sleepy music when Marcus was sleeping in order to create a sense of  humour - I did this to engage the audience as I realised it would be quite boring if there was no humour in our film. Lastly, I enjoyed showing our film to peers to and receiving positive feedback, it made me feel proud of al the hard work we put in.

On the other hand there were a few things that I didn't enjoy when filming Chasing Shadows. Due to the fact, that we had one video camera we had to film every shot a multiple of times to get the scene from different angles in order to get a variety of shots. This became very repetitive and tiring because we had to repeat scenes numerous of times. One scene that was particularly annoying was the lift scene and this was because the lift kept on closing whilst we were trying to film, we were repeatedly pressing the button to prevent it from closing. In addition trying to maintain an empty college was a mythhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!

Even though we filmed on a friday when there was no school other media students kept on patrolling the colly whilst we filming and they appeared in shot so we had to re-do the shot. It got to to an extent where we had to change the floor we were filming on because people kept on walking around.  Lastly, another annoying film was doing re-filming shots after receiving negative feedback from our rough cut ! This put us at an advantage as everyone started editing however we still had to film.

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