Thursday 9 January 2014

The Breakfast Club costume and prop planning


Bernard- Will be playing the character of "the basket case". He will need to wear dark clothing, in a gothic style, to portray his insecurities. Specific clothing include black jeans, and a hoodie of a dark colour.

Mohammed- Will be playing the character: 'the athlete'. He will need to wear sporty clothes. specifically a baseball jacket and trainers.

Tasnia- Will be playing the role of the 'princess'. She will need to wear feminine clothing which should be relatively colourful. Specifically jewellery and a skirt.

Saheba- Will be playing the character of the 'criminal'. She will need to wear clothing that insinuates her rebellious such as denim, boots and gloves.


Props will be needed to add emphasis on the roles of the characters. Specifically:

  • cigarettes/ shisha pens (The Criminal)
  • perfume and lipgloss (The Princess)
  • basketball (The Athlete)
  • headphones over his hood (The Basketcase)

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