Tuesday 17 December 2013

What Conventions Of Teen Drama Can We See In Bling Ring ?

Bling Ring 

Genre : Bling Ring is clearly a Teen Drama as the target audience is mainly teenagers furthermore, a majority of the main chracters are teenagers. Bling Ring is also based on a true event.

Themes & Issues

As a teenager we all go through the some times where w pick the wrong friends and we become victims of peer pressure. This film effectively portrays these peer pressure issues so we can teenagers can learn to avoid picking the wrong friends. As a result of associating with the wrong friends  the main character 'Marc' was caught committing robbery as was sentenced to 4 years - the longest sentence in comparison to his friends.

Common stereotypes of a teenager were explored in the film for example :

  • Reckless Partying 
  • Alcohol drinking 
  • Drug Abuse 
  • Robbery 
  • Sex 
  • Violence 
  • Disobeying Parents 
  • Obsession Of Super Models 
  • Money 

Trailer Of The Bling Which Displays these stereotypes 



Main characters were most likely to be found in the club partying, in celebrities houses robbing luxuries, out on the beach and expensive stores.  The only time the main characters were in their living room when they were being home tutored they were mostly in their bedroom or in the kitchen. This is an accurate representation of teenagers as they tend to stay in their bedroom isolated communicating with friends via their mobile phone rather than spending family time with parents in their living room.


The main Marc hall was a shy quiet individual before he met his arrogant friends and this completely changed his personality. His constant partying led to his drug abuse         (Cocaine & Weed). Furthermore the more he used to 'hang out' with his friends he begun to participate in more burglary. 

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