Tuesday 18 March 2014

Evaluaton Question 1


I have produced a mini director's cut describing the  conventions of my genre ( Horror). 


Our key objective when producing chasing shadows was following the conventions of of a horror/pschopathic film. In order to make this successful we had to have an inspiration and these were the films insidious, conjuring and scream 4. 

Image taken from Chasing Shadows 
Image taken from scream 4 

As you can see we followed the conventions of a horror movie, using a similar costume to the antagonist in the horror movie Scream 4. This was effective as the audience were instantly able to establish the genre of the film - horror.  In addition, the use of the mask keeps the killer unknown and this is what generates fear within the audience as "we fear the unknown" a majority of horror films ensures that the identity of the killer is unknown so again, this is another convention we used. We didn't challenge the conventions as we wanted to ensure that our movie was clear. 

Sounds & Music are essential in a horror movie. The use of scary sounds create a scary, mysterious atmosphere and builds tension. We acknowledged that it was vital to import scary sounds at times when the guy in the mask appeared. 

  • Sound of heartbeat 
  • Scary monster scream 
  • Scary sounds that gradually when the tension increased (during the dream ) 
  • Creepy doll music at the beginning to create atmosphere 
All of these sounds were included in our film opening to follow the conventions of a typical horror movie. 


Our first initial storyline included a range of events that occurred between the guy in the mask and Marcus. Alternatively, in the opening of a typical  horror movie, little action takes place and to be honest it's normally boring as the opening of a horror movie normally establishes the location, characters,protagonist and antagonist. Before our rough cut was produced we had to delete many scenes as we realised we wasn't following the conventions of a horror movie, we tried to include to much action and w were forgetting that it was THE OPENING 2 MINS of a horror film. After we had discussion we made an agreement of a final storyline which was 

Marcus friend persuades him to go home however Marcus has to leave
Marcus ( Protagonist ) Is in detention completing his work

  • Marcus falls asleep

Marcus has a nightmare and this is the first time we see the guy in mask 

Marcus Wakes up surprised and learns he has overslept and he is alone

Tries to go into the lift to get to the lower ground to see whether anyone is around 

As Marcus comes out of the lift the guy in the mask from the film appears behind him, Marcus is unaware of this but the audience are. 

Marcus hears a loud unusual sound and turns around instantly only to see an empty lift - this creates suspense  

We thought that this storyline is more effective as it contains less action making the opening more conventional.  



We followed the normal order of titles as we realised a majority of horror films follow the traditional order of titles. The traditional order of titles where the distributor ident is followed by the production

Music by in Chasing Shadows 

A film we were inspired was insidious so we followed the titles in Insidious 

Music By in Insidious

You can identify the similarities such as the red font used in both our titles.

Evaluaton Question 1

This video is an analysis of my film and it includes the conventions of teenage film openings

Evaluation Question 2

                   HOW DOES CHASING SHADOWS REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL                                                                                GROUPS 

Here we have an interview of Emmanuel who plays Marcus' friend in Chasing Shadows. He shares his opinions on the different representations of social groups that are displayed  in Chasing Shadows. 


Representation is the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way. As it's 

a teen film we decided to create an accurate representation of teenage  afro black african/black 

caribbean boys.We displayed this representation through the character Marcus and his friend. 

Black teenagers are typically revealed to be badly behaved in school by refusing to conform to 

school rules. Furthermore, they tend to not care about the importance of education. 

This is a quick slideshow showing the various representations of our chosen social group  


Representation portrayed through the character Marcus 

Marcus is 16 years old and in year 11 however he has to conduct his revision in college due to his unacceptable behaviour in secondary school. He is an arrogant, rude individual who doesn't care about his school life. Most of the time he refuses to do his work during lesson so he is always in detention completing his work -  never learns. Marcus' negative attitude is conveyed through his costume and dialogue. Marcus wears his tie over his jumper with his shirt tucked out and his cap backwards. This reinforces the fact that he is refusing to conform to the school rules. Furthermore, Marcus uses colloquial terms such as "fam" and this reveals to the audience that he is from a working class background. Alternatively, the fact that Marcus remains in his detention despite the fact his friend persuades him to leave challenges the typical representation of a black male teenager as he is determined to complete his coursework. 

Evaluation Question 2


This is an analysis of the 'crept and Konan' music video it shows a group of young black people being rebellious and enjoying themselves. They show it as harmless fun but it still attracts police as it usually when groups of young black people get together they are subjected and the police turn up
i conducted some interviews where i asked pupils what type of films they enjoyed watching, what they did in their free time and what were their opinions on 'chasing shadows'

In Chasing shadows we are shown different representations. but there is one main group shown. Young,black and rebellious teens. Marcus is a typical teenager who doesn't enjoy school and is always slacking this is shown as he has to stay back to do work when he should have done it during school hours. The second character also shows this as he is wearing his hat backwards, he is walking in a certain way and he speaks slang. 

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

the common group that chasing shadows is aimed for is teens however it can be broken down into sub groups 
This is the type of person that would watch chasing shadows
Enjoys listening to American Rap and British grime and British Artists 
Click the link below to see what type of person would watch chasing shadows


Evaluation Question 4


In the early stages of brainstorming ideas for Chasing Shadows this question popped up and I said "well this is easy" this is because Chasing Shadows falls into the category of a teen film so obviously it would our film will mainly appeal to teenagers.  

It was only after  conducting research about the history of teen films I realised that our film can't just appeal to "teenagers" because it's too broad. What specific age ? What Gender ?  etc. All these questions must be answered when thinking about the target audience of our film as chances are, all teenagers might not  enjoy our film therefore we must pick a target audience that will and advertise it to them.


A teen film is a film genre targeted at teengers and young adults, this is due to the fact that the plot involves special interests and themes that relate to teenagers. It is no secret that parents also watch teen films as well. This is because they tend learn about the behavior of a teenager and the things they go through and this improve their parenting skills as they will a greater understanding of a teenagers life. Furthermore, another popular reason why a parent might watch a teen film is to reminisce on the days they were once a teenager and have a laugh. 

The genre of a teen film also  determines your target audience for example :

Teen Wolf 
Genre - Teen Drama,comedy, supernatural 
Audience - Teenage Audience 12-34, mainly girls 

Project x 
Genre - Teen film, comedy 
Target Audience - 18-25 males 

Final Destination 3 
Genre - Teen Film Horror
Target audience - 16- 23


Genre - Teen film,Horror, Psychopath
Target Audience - 15-20 males 

We came to a conclusion that this will be a suitable age to aim our target audience as the psychopath aspect of our film requires maturity and intelligence to avoid confusion and we thought that 15 and above will be the best age to cope with this gory and gruesome scenes that are displayed. We also established that there are a lack of females in our film so males will be able to relate to our film more and thats why they are our main target audience however, we do not exclude females from watching our film. 


The reason why the person Mensah Montana would be a specific target audience member is the fact that he is 17 years old who lives in London and likes: Teen Films & All horror films including Paranormal Activity.Another bonus is that he likes the film distributor revolver entertainment. Revolver entertainment is an independent distributor in the UK. They generally distribute UK urban films set in the urban sides in the Uk. The films they distribute normally have a low production value and involve inexperienced upcoming actors - just like Chasing Shadows. So it's likely he will like Chasing Shadows therefore we must advertise to people like him. 

Evaluation Question 1

Strict order of title sequence & directors cut

Evaluation Question 5


TITLE : The Title of our film is CHASING SHADOWS. Chasing shadows appeals to our target audience as shadows is a feature that appears to horror movies so instantly the public are are aware that our film is a horror/ thriller movie and this will persuade them to take interest in film. The verb chasing hints that the "shadow" is troubling the protagonist and this is why the the protagonist is tracking it down .

Mise en Scene : The mask, knife, dark lighting etc all create a scary, mysterious atmosphere making our film opening effective as it would appeal to horror/thriller lovers. 

Location - The opening of the film is set in a empty college, this will attract an audience of students who attend school/college as this is a place they spend a majority of their time at. We picked this location as it's a convention of a teen film.

Production Company : The beezer productions logo engages our target audience as it's quite scary due to the grey and black background followed by the doll music which played during the production ident. 


We created a poster to make our target audience aware of Chasing Shadows

chasing shadows poster

The poster is a clever holodram of Marcus and the guy in the mask 

Here is a brief blurb 

Here is an interview from a member of my class expressing her personal opinion of the film In addition,  she also told about how she found out about chasing shadows so we were able to asses how effective our promotion was. 

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

This is an audio analysis of the conventions of our teen film opening.

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 2


Evaluation Question 3


(Note: in the slide I accidentally wrote question 6 instead of question 3, Also I had trouble posting the idents on to the slide so i posted it on the blogpost instead)

Evaluation Question 5

For advertisement i have made:

a website through moon fruit

I have done this as many independent films do this like 'in fear' who have thier own website for their film. The website includes Pictures, about, and Home it shows the video through Vimeo and shows pictures from out filming process
Here is the link to my own website


I have also posted my Video on Twitter for the public to view

Over all these forms of Advertisement are the best as they are the cheapest. i made my website for free and to put videos on YouTube, vimeo or other free websites do not cost much. It also appeals to wide audience as most teenagers obtain information from the internet.

Evaluaion Question 4


This is the kind of person that would watch Chasing Shadows.
A typical teenage male, who's into Rap and R&B music, sports and enjoys watching movies. 

The wider audience for teenage movies in general would be teenagers aged 13 - 19, both males and females - varying depending on the genre of the film. For example, girls in general are more likely to enjoy watching romance films
And boys in general are more likely to enjoy watching action movies. 

The target audience for Chasing Shadows would watch the film for purposes of diversion, escapism and possibly social interaction. 

The USP of our film is that it is a unique blend of thriller and comedy which has been filmed, directed and produced on a shoestring budget. This would appeal to our target audience which are teenage males aged 14 - 18 because humour is an appealing factor in a film as well as thriller. 

Evaluation Question 4

Type of person that would watch Chasing Shadows?
The type of person that would watch our movie is a teenager/young adult; meaning the age range
would be from 15 to around 25. Specifically more of a film that males would watch compared to females and the type is people who want to laugh and/or want a fright.

This is a made up facebook page of a typical person who would watch 'Chasing Shadows'

This person is socialises a lot and likes a lot of stuff on facebook, he is very outgoing
and enjoys going watching different types of movies, reading book and video games etc.

                                                         Judging through the amount of horror and comedy films Tahmid watches we can infer that he is a person who would enjoy watching Chasing Shadows as it is humorous and scary at the same time.