Thursday 13 March 2014

week four, editing, filming - Tuesday 4th march 2014

we thought that we finished filming however when we showed our teacher the clips she pointed out the many mistakes that we made so we had to make it up by filming again.
we re-shot all the shots that needed to be shot and also we began editing

The editing process was extremely long and difficult. there were many tasks involved.

  • Picking the exact clips that we wanted to use from the hundreds that we shot 
  • making sure that the shot was perfect 
  • making sure that it was focused and the angles was good
  • making sure the lighting in the shot was acceptable 
  • also making each shot flow smoothly with the next
  • making sure that any over the shoulder shot reverse shots were matched and the speech between two people flowed.
we can infer that using final cut pro is better for editing that camstasia for many reasons. 
  • the razor tool in Final Cut Pro is very useful when wanting to cut scenes and layer them. 
  • adding music was a lot easier on final cut pro
however we found that camstasia has some good features 
  • you can add effects and images while filming 
  • making the idents would look better and would be easier to do

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