Wednesday 12 March 2014

Mistakes We Have Made.

-There were many mistakes we made when filming, some were easy to spot and others not as much.

The flow of our film kept on being ruined by the lack of continuity of protagonist's (Marcus) motion...
For example in the scene where Marcus looks out at the corridor it shows him to be looking to his left, then straight towards him then left again, which looked very odd and unrealistic. We had to film the short scene again the following day in order to avoid this small but enormous mistake.

Another mistake that we kept on doing subconsciously throughout the filming phase was looking at the camera whilst filming, which is very impractical and inept, thus needing to do more filming and editing in order to cut out the mistakes.

Although we grasped the 180 degree rule proficiently, we filmed the entire classroom and dream scene from a wonky angle and it was easily spotted by our teacher Marisa; We didn't take notice of it until she told us and therefore had to rework the scenes, we had to make sure the camera was at a straight angle when filming to not repeat the mistake. However, we did find that the wonky angle shot was effective for editing, though we didn't use much of the clips, it gave us more variety when choosing what type of shots we could add to editing.

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